Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Informatics Solution Proposal: Problem Identificatio Essay

It is no surprise that customer satisfaction is the primary focus for successful delivery of healthcare. The health care industry is booming with technological trends and consumer empowerment is evident. Patients are able to shop around for the best health care available at the right cost, forcing facilities to upgrade to the latest technology in order to compete. The problem is patients often get confused keeping up with different providers and different facilities. On top of that are expected to remember their medications and complete health history, along with diagnosis, different exams and lab testing. Health care costs are on the rise because of repeat tests and data is lost in the shuffle. Our goal is to find a technical solution providing patients with an easily accessible, comprehensive overview of their entire health history. The patient deserves access to their health records, health education at their fingertips, and most of an organized system to provide the best health c are possible. Our best solution is the personal health records category. Personal health information can be easily accessed online wherever internet is provided. There can be one or multiple databases that safely stores their information and with easy access, patients won’t feel so frustrated having to wait for a healthcare worker. Another rationale is that personal health record systems can offer multiple functions for the patients, such as paying their medical bills, renewing their medications, and more. Designing the appropriate PHR system can provide an endless amount of functions to help meet patients’ needs. Finally, a PHR can save patients and providers both time and money. PHR systems can decrease the labor needed to provide patients with information while still maintaining effective communication between providers and patients (Kaelber & Pan, 2008). Some ethical issues to consider would be protecting patient privacy. Information entered into the  iPad, even something such as calling the front desk, must go through a server (or a third party). This may compromise privacy. It could end up in the iCloud, or even be hacked. Visitors in the room may see sensitive information. Additionally, expecting an older population to use an iPad could be seen as discriminatory According to Hebda, and Czar (2013), legal issues for interactive applications of consumer health information involving PHI include protecting privacy and security of PHI. Many consumer health web sites are lack ing in protection of healthcare information. Some issues included lack of anonymity, poor protection for privacy policies and health information as well as inadequate privacy policies. Special attention will have to be made to adhere to the HON code of conduct for protecting users with the implementation of interactive health care technologies. As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Congress directed the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to rule on the use of electronic health information and the devices and systems used to access this information. The final ruling requires vendors of PHR’s and related services to notify the FTC, potential involved consumers, and associated services providers of any breach in security as this information is now to be covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (FTC, 2009). This ruling also provides for consultation on potential privacy and security breaches between the FTC and the Department of Health and Human Services (FTC, 2009). Project Overview: The purpose of the Informatics Solution Proposal is to promote nursing students’ comfort and knowledge with informatics and technology products for the health care workplace setting. Students review the functionality of various products and select one that best meets the needs of a health care setting. Learning Teams collaborate to identify a clinical or administrative issue and propose an informatics solution. Each week, Learning Teams work on an element of this project. In Week Five, teams compile their work into a proposal appropriate for the directors of a health care organization. Project Elements: Week Two: Problem Identification Collaborate with your Learning Team to identify an issue in a health care workplace that could be resolved by implementing an informatics or technology solution. The issue could be an administrative issue or a clinical issue. Draft a letter or memo to a nursing administrator informing her or him of the clinical or administrative problem, why it is a concern, and a request for permission to propose a solution. Support your letter with at least three peer-reviewed resources. Format the letter consistent with APA guidelines for formal business correspondence. Provide an APA-formatted reference page for all resources used. Note. Do not send the letter. Week Three: General Solution Collaborate with your Learning Team to determine a category of informatics or technology that could be implemented to solve the clinical or administrative issue. Compose a 350- to 500-word summary of the benefits of selecting a product from this category of technology or informatics system. Address the following: Identify a category of informatics or technology solution that may be appropriate for the identified workplace. Note. Select a category of solution but not a specific product. Provide rationale for why this category of solution may help address the clinical or administrative problem. Describe regulatory, legal, or ethical issues this category of solution may cause or resolve. Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed references, and develop an APA-formatted reference page. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Week Four: Areas of Evaluation Select two products from the category that your Learning Team identified in Week Three. For example, if you selected the category of EHRs, then identify two specific EHR products. Describe a minimum of five criteria with which to evaluate the functionality of the two products. Ease of use Clarity Time Select two or more additional features to evaluate. Include a minimum of three references. References may include product websites or other reputable sources in addition to peer-reviewed resources. Faculty approval is required for sources other than peer-reviewed resources. Provide an APA-formatted reference page for all resources used. Week Five: Specific Solution Proposal Develop a proposal in which you evaluate two specific products from the general category previously selected. The goal is to persuade the directors of the health care workplace to implement your chosen informatics solution. Address the following details: Brief description of the administrative or clinical issue Concise overview of the two products (include evaluation of all relevant features of each product) Clear explanation of why one product is chosen for implementation (not both) Two suggestions of how the chosen product could be implemented Two suggestions for how the chosen product would be evaluated after implementation (one qualitative and one quantitative) Identify a future trend in this area Develop a presentation using one of the following formats: Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® Presentation including 15–20 slides and speaker’s notes Oral presentation including appropriate visual aid (for example, a handout or brochure) Prezi ® Presentation Another format approved by your facilitator Include a minimum of seven peer-reviewed references, and develop an APA-formatted reference page. Format your proposal and reference page consistent with APA guidelines. References Federal Trade Commission. (August 17, 2009). FTC Issues Final Breach Notification Rule for Electronic Health Information. Retrieved from Hebda, T., & Czar, P. (2013). Handbook of informatics for nurses & healthcare professionals (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Kaelber, D. & Pan, E.C. (2008). The value of personal health record (PHR) systems. Retrieved from Informatics Solution Proposal Overview

Plato theory of forms Essay

Plato was a duellist and thus believed that there are two worlds; the material world and the world of ideas/Forms. The world of ideas or Forms is the true reality and the world of appearances is just reflections of world of Forms. Plato believed that our knowledge of the Forms was a priori which means that our souls knew the Forms before it was inside us, therefore we have knowledge prior to experiencing the objects with our senses. Plato believes everyone is born with an intuitive but imperfect understanding of the Forms. He also believes the philosopher is able, through using his intellect, to achieve true knowledge of the abstract Forms without using his senses. Plato’s theory of Forms can be seen as unconvincing to some who believe that abstract ideas e. g table, horse, beauty are actually names that have been invented to help people describe their experiences of the physical world. This is a materialistic view as it suggests that objects in this world are the real reality and our ideas can develop based on experience of things. Aristotle agrees with this and believes knowledge is gained through experience and that there is not an eternal World of Forms that is a priori to us. However, in Plato’s defence some believe that each variety of a Form shares a likeness for example each horse is slightly different yet they all share something that makes it resemble a horse. According to Bertrand Russell, Plato`s theory made a `very important advance in philosophy, since it is the first to emphasise the problem of universals’. Plato’s theory is often regarded as unconvincing due to the fact that Plato believes that every object and idea in the world of appearances is an imperfect copy of an image or Form in the World of Forms. This suggests that there is a perfect Form of things such as a cinema ticket, mud or an insect and so on. According to Bertrand Russell, his ideas of the Forms when taken to its extreme.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Glendun river fieldwork report CCEA

The aim of my fieldwork is to study how a river's dynamics change downstream. Specifically I shall be looking at how particle size, discharge, cross sectional area, velocity, gradient and width change downstream. Planning To give a clear aim to my investigation I have decided to prove or disprove three hypotheses. These are based on the ideal river model and they are: * Downstream discharge will increase * Downstream particle size will decrease * Downstream the gradient of the river will decrease As a class we decided that the Glendun River was an appropriate river to study since its length facilitates for a noticeable change in results between its source and its mouth. The river is also only an hour's driving time from our school and the river has relatively easy access. It also has minimum human interference which could corrupt our data. This location has also been used in past river studies by our school and no safety problems arose in the past. We also discussed the possible safety issues that we should be aware of such as Weil's disease, slippery rocks and pot holes in the river. We then ensured that a first aid kit was brought with us as well as mobile phones in case of an emergency and that appropriate clothing was worn. Also everyone was made aware of what procedures to follow in an emergency. The week before the fieldtrip we conducted a small pilot study in a small stream in the grounds of our school where we tested each piece of equipment to make sure it functioned correctly. We discovered that our flow metre was faulty so we decided to instead to time how long it took for an object to cover a stretch of river. We decided to use an orange since it is buoyant and brightly coloured and to use a 10 metre stretch of river since we are using it for other measurements and it is long enough to give reliable results. Also on the week before of our teachers went down to the river on a pre-site visit to check that all of our pre-determined sites were viable to use. She concluded that all our sites were practical to use in our investigation. Data Collection: Collected on Thursday 25th October The primary data used in this investigation is the results we took down on the fieldtrip. The secondary data sources we are going to use are the internet, our class notes and handouts, the David Wough AS level textbook and the Ordnance survey map. The type of sampling used on the fieldtrip was systematic; the sites chosen to investigate were 1.3km apart. Pragmatic sampling would have to have been used in the event that one of the pre defined sites proved to be inaccessible on the day; none of which were. Particle Size Particle size was recorded at each stop by two people measuring the longest axis of 30 stones from the river bed while a third person recorded the results. The average of the lengths was taken for each stop. The equipment used was a metre ruler. Cross Sectional Area The width of the river was measured by two people with a measuring tape at either side of the river. The depth was then recorded by another person with a metre stick taking measurements from the measuring tape to the riverbed in increments of 0.5 metres until the whole width of the river was recorded and then an average depth was calculated from these results. The cross sectional area was then worked out by multiplying the average depth by the average width. Velocity A ten metre stretch of the river was measured with the tape measure. An orange was dropped at the upstream end and a stopwatch was used to record the time taken for the orange to travel the ten metre stretch. This was repeated three times and an average taken. If the orange got stuck that particular attempt would be scrapped and then it would be carried out again. Gradient The gradient of the river was calculated with an abney level and a gauging pole. We used the same ten metre marking used when we measured velocity. We took three readings along the ten metre width and calculated the average gradient from them. Discharge The discharge of the river was worked out by multiplying the average velocity and the average cross sectional area found at each site to give the discharge.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Strength finders Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Strength finders - Assignment Example The signature theme that seems most strongly connected to my school activities is achiever. In order to do good in studies, it is imperative that a student has a lot of stamina and that he/she works hard. Studies can be boring some times, but the good grades are worth the hard work. I can find a connection between all my critical activities and my signature themes. Different signature themes apply to different critical activities, though some signature themes do not apply to some critical activities e.g. the signature theme of context doesn’t apply to the critical activity of goal setting. Three strategies I can implement to capitalize on my signature themes to achieve success include learning to plan and schedule things, adhering to them, and improve my communication skills. This can be achieved by reading books, socializing with people more, and planning things and making schedules for them whether manually or on

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Unit 18 Advertising and Promotions - Level 4 Advertising and Assignment

Unit 18 Advertising and Promotions - Level 4 Advertising and Promotions - Nandos Loyalty Card HND Business - Assignment Example One of the firms that have undertaken extensive communication strategies to attract more customers is Nando’s. The section below discusses the communication process and how the communication process relates to the Nando’s advertisement process. As indicated by transmission model that was developed by Shannon and Weaver (1949), communication process consists of six major steps. The first one is the formulation of the idea in the mind of the sender. During this stage, an individual who want to send the message, comes up with something that he or she want to relate to another person. The second step is encoding the message. This implies that putting the information in a language that suits the recipient. For example, the sender who wishes to send a message to a child must encode it differently from that of professional colleague. The third step is transmitting the message. This involves using various avenues such as speaking, writing or using emails among others. The fourth step is receiving the message that has been sent by the sender. As a receiver, one should read or listen to the message. The fifth stage is decoding the message. This entails processing the message in such a way that it makes sense to the receiver. The six th stage according to the transmission model is understanding the message (Barnlund, 2008). It is worth to note that a message may be sent, read or listened to but understanding the message is the most paramount thing. In the Nando’s advertising process, communication process has been effectively utilised. For example, before the launching of Nando’s Loyalty Card, the firm came up with the communication idea that depicted the use of a card that cannot be used in libraries, night clubs or coffee shops but only in Nando’s. Similarly, the business has used various channels of communicating with

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sustainability Operations in Restaurant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sustainability Operations in Restaurant - Essay Example In addition, sustainability is quite important to make sure that there lays the presence of water, minerals, and efficient resources for the purpose of defending human health along with the environment (Blackburn, 2007). In this paper, the conception of sustainability and the introduction of various sustainability related policies have been discussed. Various aspects that include the overview of a definite sustainable policy, i.e. introduction of organic food along with its overall analysis and its implementation, will also be considered in the discussion. Business Operation: Lemongrass Restaurant Lemongrass Restaurant was founded in the year 1989 with a set of four chefs and was recognised to be the first organisation to serve a variety of Thai dishes to the customers in Melbourne, Australia. In terms of sustainability of business operations, the organisation does not entertain any sort of packaged or processed sauces or pastes to be used in its various dishes. Each of the dishes of Lemongrass along with its ingredients are cautiously selected, cooked, and prepared for the ultimate customers, preserving the organic values of those recipes. The organisation believes that every dish and its preparation should be made with hands and that no packaged products should be utilized. This particular feature ultimately reveals the mission and the promise of the organisation. With these virtues, the organisation has attained numerous awards and recognitions that include the â€Å"Best Thai Winner† of 2003 according to the â€Å"Age Good Food Guide† and also â€Å"2 Stars Winner† of 2002 according to â€Å"Mietta’s Best Australian Restaurants†. Along with the Thai dishes, Lemongrass also serves Malaysian and Indonesian items in its wide assortment of menu list (Lemongrass, 2009). In relation to sustainable business operations, the major principle of Lemongrass is to deliver fresh and pure dishes to its customers; it can be regarded as th e dynamic move of the organisation towards the aspect of sustainability. From the above discussion, it can be apparently identified that the organisation remained intensely concerned with the sustainability issue along with the impact upon the environment while performing its business operations. Lemongrass usually serves its Thai along with other continental dishes to the customers by making use of its fresh handmade pastes. In this context and as regards making fresh as well as handmade pastes, it costs twelve times more to the company to prepare the pastes rather than buying any sort of manufactured pastes. Thus it can be stated that the crucial sustainable facets of Lemongrass is to deliver fresh, pure, and hygienic dishes to its customers (Lemongrass, 2009). With this concern, the online official website of Lemongrass and various other policy reports have been used in order to gather information regarding the current performances of the organisati

Friday, July 26, 2019

Skoda Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Skoda - Case Study Example Volkswagen's experience assisted in fixing most of the mechanical problems that Skoda had initially experienced. Skoda UK sells Skoda cars through its network of independent franchised dealers and its most current popular models are the frabia, octavia, superb and the roomster. Its' market share is at 1.7% making it a very small player in the market for cars (The times 100 134). However it has managed to fit in the highly competitive market and fragmented market. It attributes this on it's concentration on owners experience rather than making large sales. It has regarded 'the human touch' from design through to sale. One of its identifiable and quantifiable strength is the willingness and ability of the Skoda's driver to recommend Skoda to a friend. It utilizes this strength to market its brand image as well as laying plans for future strategic development. According to the audit report in the times 100 (134), Skoda faced a crisis due to the oudated perception of the brand. The car had an image of low quality, design, materials and assembly which negatively affected its owners. This is due to the fact that people associated car ownership to the image. In 1999, Skoda managed to change its negative image and Skoda cars were no longer considered of low quality. Despite its effort of improving its image, the vehicle did not have a strong appeal ot the public. Analysis of case To improve its performance in the competitive car market, Skoda UK's management needed to assess its brand positioning. Brand positioning means establishing a distinctive image for the brand compared to competing brands. Its by so doing that it would manage to grow from a small player to a bigger player. From the audit report it obtained after a market research, Skoda UK was put into a good positionto take advantage of new opportunities and respond to threats. According to JD Power survey, Skoda has been in the top five car manufacturers for the past thirteen years. In Top Gear's 2007 customer satisfactionsurvey, 56,000 viewers gave their opinions on 152 models and Skoda was voted as the number 1 car maker (The Times 100 134). Skoda's Octavia model aloso won the 2008 Auto Express Driver Power best car. Skoda attributes the results to its strategic management strategy which foccused on building cars that their owners would enjoy. This was different from simply maximising sales of a product. Strategic management is a process in whih it guides a business so that it can compete and grow in its market. According to the Audit report provided, Skoda has a 1.7% market share making it a small player in the market for cars. The weakness was partly due to outdated perceptions of the brand. This can be attributed to its poor marketing strategies that it used. The company should have therefore focused on improving its image to improve the clientele base. Recommendations Skoda should focuss on the Niche segment by developing a B plus or economical cars which are financially friendly to customers earning below 3000 RMB. This is due to the fact that, most customers are not in a position to afford the car at its current price. It is therefore advisable that, the company considers the low income earners by developing and producing economical cars. Skoda should also

Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 4

Marketing Management - Essay Example The use of English advertising in foreign countries is one that is well-studied. In Japan, for instance, the usage of English connotes sophistication and modernity, as it also does in South Asia countries like India. In India, the usage of English is used to convey sophistication and modernity, while the usage of Hindi, the lingua franca of India, is used to connote tradition and belonging. In the Hispanic population living in the United States, English advertisements is seen as not accommodating, yet is somewhat positive if the listener has linguistic insecurity. Spanish advertisements have the opposite effect they are accommodating, yet are somewhat negative for those with linguistic insecurity. Therefore, the researcher found that a mix of Spanish and English is most effective in these populations, as it mixes accommodation and respect (the Spanish part of the ad) with a positive feeling of linguistic security (the English part of the ad). The use of English in the country of Japan is becoming an increasingly popular phenomenon. The attribution of the high number of loan words in Japan dates back to the Meiji Restoration in 1868, in which Japan was transformed from feudal to a modern state by adopting Western civilization (Takashi, 1990, p. 327). There are a high number of English loan words in the Japanese language, much more so than loan words from European nations. English loan words represent 80.8% of Western loan words in Japan, with the other western loan words coming from France, Germany, Italian and Dutch (Takashi, 1990, p. 327). This is because the Japanese study English more than any other foreign language. There is some thought that the Japanese people regard English as representative of something cosmopolitan and international, and modern English words are seen as conveying sophistication and modernity, especially in they are used in advertising. (Takashi, 1990, p.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Operating Systems and Networking Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Operating Systems and Networking - Coursework Example This led to an unprecedented increase in student population from 900 to 1,500, in 2 years. Clearly, the student population and the number of staff members had outgrown the physical infrastructure at the college. In this regard, the college management, in 2004, decided to open a constituent college or campus in East London, to cater for the gradually increasing student and staff population. With the aim of meeting diverse labour requirements of the society, the college introduced, yet again, two more course, Finance studies and Computer Engineering. As a result, the student population increased to about 2,000, as did the staff members. This led to the opening of a third campus in 2008 in North London. Additionally, the college launched Distance and Open Learning program that targeted students both within and outside London. This move led to an increase in student population from 2,000 to 3,000. The London College of Law and IT, as at today, has three constituent colleges or campuses w ithin the greater, including, the School of Law, School of IT and the School of Finance and Accountancy. In addition, the college also has 10 open-learning study centres outside London and has more than 3, 000 students in total and more than 100 staff members (both part-time and fulltime academic staff). All the three campuses are independent in terms of administration and have staff offices, student lecture halls, student’s halls of residence, computer laboratory, and a library. Each of the 10 study centres have an administrative office, a library that doubles up as a computer laboratory, three study/reading rooms-1 for law student, 1 for IT students, and 1 for Finance and Accounting students-which also doubles up as examination centres. In all the three campuses and the 10-study centre, there several designated Wi-Fi hotspots that serve students with laptops and tablets. London College of Law and IT faces stiff competition from various colleges in London that offer Law, IT, financial studies, or both. Notable competition includes the Imperial College London, King’s College London, London College of Law, University College of London, and London College of Legal Studies, among others. b. Requirement Analysis: Computer networks link a collection of computers, hardware and software through specialized software, cabling systems and other devices, thus enabling their users to work together by sharing files and other resources, for example, printers and scanners (N. Olifer & V. Olifer, 2006). Today, computer networks are very important; they shape the way we live, study, work or play. They enable us to communicate, interact, learn, and collaborate in ways that we could not do before. For higher institutions of learning such as universities and colleges, digital communication with voice, video and data is critical to achieving todays educational and learning objectives. Therefore, a well and properly thought of and designed network is an essential re quirement for meeting day-to-day institutional functions or for doing business (White, 2012). Improving computer networks enable us to enjoy better and reliable data speeds, and new exciting services and applications such as video conferencing, IP telephony, education, ecommerce and more. Designing a new network would benefit the London

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Human Resources Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Resources Management - Essay Example It offers new â€Å"lenses on the tacit and evolutionary aspects of HRM and the value to create† (Berman et al, p, 59). HR is a huge field that begin, creates a policy, carries out and finishes with a continuing solution. To manage Human Resources appears to be extremely simple, although when it comes to be the player then begins the actual problem in dealing with it. It is always trouble-free to give emphasis to a person â€Å"or to that matter anyone about anything† (Berman et al, p, 192). Nonetheless, the greatest is valued at all times. HR in a corporation is constantly available to every one of them regardless of the levels. To begin or make the initial progress, it is the HR division that everyone must get in contact with. They manage the guiding principles and methods within the business for which â€Å"it would have been a year, to do so; provided the focus is on to Quality processes† (Berman et al, p, 221). HR processes incorporates (1) selecting and hir ing staff; (2) guidance and progress; (3) recompense and remuneration; (4) performance appraisal method; and (5) worker relationships. Thorough HR scheduling connects individuals’ management with the company’s duty, image, objectives and aims, in addition to its strategic arrangement as well as budgetary funds. A main objective of HR scheduling is to acquire the accurate amount of individuals with the correct expertise, understanding as well as competencies within the accurate careers on the correct time and at the accurate expenditure. The stress is on connection to strategic scheduling as well as business scheduling in the initial sentence, and the stress is on the planning as well as arrangement of personnel and workers in the final sentence; the procedures through which administration guarantees the correct human resources that are competent of carrying out those assignments that facilitate the business to achieve its goals. Human resource scheduling is the develop ment of human resource tasks, or â€Å"in other words, planning how human resource management will be executed† (Noe et al, p. 123). Therefore, to all intents and purposes, HR scheduling is the expansion of plans in these regions or within similar regions. One might want to extend his personal list related to the business - a record that reveals the functions that HR does within the business. Several individuals connect human resource scheduling with what big businesses do. That is for the reason that, more or less by obligation, big businesses requires to have a lot more proper as well as broad approach to HR scheduling due to their â€Å"size and the intricacy of their businesses† (Noe et al, p. 153). That said, even a company owner having a small number of workers have to consider different employees and human resources concerns. â€Å"Several small company owners do this without really thinking about it† (Noe et al, p.235). For instance, a small company owne r has to consider as well as plan regarding what benefits to present, how to supervise development of personnel, how to forecast the number of employees that are required, how to assess worker performance, and so on. There are five stages of strategic orientation. All build on the earlier one, offering a road map and an assessment of development towards strategic orientation. The five stages are â€Å"(1) involvement in strategic discussion; (2) strategic development; (3) strategic size; (4) creating a strategic

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Early Human Evolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Early Human Evolution - Research Paper Example This particular species is the longest lived and most recognizable of all human ancestors, they lived between, approximately, 3.85 and 2.94 million years ago In fact, the species may have lived for nearly 900,000 years, which makes them a prominent species for 4 times longer than modern man has existed (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History). Australopithecus afarensis was only a 1/3 the size in comparison to modern human’s today. It has characteristics of both human and ape ancestry. They possessed flat noses, thick, protruding lower jaws, a small brain, long curved fingers, and long legs that had adapted to upright walking. By studying their dentition we can learn about the kinds of foods they were adapted to eat and what foods they may have actually been eating. Researchers are confident that Australopithecus afarensis survived on a primarily plant-based diet, consisting mostly of leaves, seeds, roots, and nuts, however they might occasionally consume insects and small vertebrates like lizards. (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History). Australopithecus afarensis represented a unique bridge between the times when human ancestors began to walk upright. They had the ability to both walk bipedally, but also the ability to efficient climb and maneuver in the trees (Choi 1). In 1974 the first nearly intact sk eleton of Australopithecus afarensis was discovered. The female fossils, found in the Hadar region of Ethiopia, were given the name Lucy and she became the quintessential example of human evolution, inspiring a book, â€Å"Lucy: The Origins of Mankind† that introduced the ideas of human evolution to the mass public. (Hirst). Other famous finds have included the â€Å"Dikika,† or child skeleton and the Laetoli find, which included fossils, but, also, the first bipedal footprints ever found. Like human beings today, our most ancient ancestors were highly adaptable to their environments, so

Monday, July 22, 2019

Saturation of Borax Essay Example for Free

Saturation of Borax Essay Formulating this experiment taught us many things. In the past, we were asked to conduct previously planned labs, with a purpose assigned from the teacher. We did not know how much thought was put into these labs until we were asked to create one for ourselves. An experimental process requires preparation, flexibility, and organization. This project provided insight on developing a unique process to answer a specific question. The experimental process requires extensive preparation. With our pre-lab, everything included had to be well thought-out. Research was done beforehand. We read articles on how borax would behave and became familiar with its chemical properties. We also read about others in the past who have done a similar experiment to us. Most importantly, we had to prepare ourselves for what results we should expect. If we did not get similar results, we would know that our experiment has a problem. With this knowledge, we had to determine the optimal method to answer our question. Our procedure had to be efficient and be as problem-free as possible for the day we carried out our experiment. Materials listed had to be obtainable at the school. We learned preparation was instrumental to performing a successful lab. While preparation to the lab was extremely important, it is always difficult to foresee any potential problems until the lab is carried out. Being flexible was another important trait we learned in this project. Materials had to be realistically available, so we had to compromise practicality for availability. For example, beakers were constantly unavailable, so we had to use a larger sized beaker than we needed. We also had problems with the experiment itself. The dissolving of Borax took an enormous amount of time. Given the time available, it was not practical to continue the method we were using, so we modified our procedure to fit with the time constraints. We did not expect these kinds of stumbling blocks. We also learned that you can never predict what will happen, as some things are out of your control. We had an incident where a classmate cleaned out our beaker, which contained a solution. We lost those results, and we did not have a choice but to quickly repeat the experiment. Some things are out of our control. In the future, when we enter the workforce, problems like this will arise and one must learn to deal with them. The experimental process requires organization. Carrying out the experiment, we had to follow the procedure closely. Materials had to be requested in advance, and prepared the day before. In our pre-lab, it was extremely important that the prepared table had the required boxes to record our information in. Recording our information was a challenge to us. We would sometimes forget to record the mass of objects and had missing numbers in our table, in which we would have to repeat that process again to obtain the value. Missing values in our table proved to be detrimental to our overall efficiency. A messy table proved to be a stumbling block later, when we were writing the report too. It was difficult to decode what our thoughts were, and distinguish what each number was for (many numbers had no unit). Now we know that good organizational skills are extremely important. In conclusion, this project covered many skills that are required in the completion of an experimental design. In order to complete a successful experiment, one must be prepared, flexible and organized. These skills play a critical role in the outcome, as they will dictate how one will deal with the problems they face, and prevent future problems form occurring. Writing this report was slightly challenging due to the amount we learned, and the space available to write. After this report, we learned to draw conclusions and reflect on the experiences that we gained. It helped us look back on our results and look at them from another perspective and it gives ideas on how to improve our experimental design in the future.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Leadership Development Case Study

Leadership Development Case Study Student Name: Yu Bao Assumption1: Susan is an Authority-Compliance leader. This kind of leader just like Susan places heavy emphasis on task and job requirements, and less emphasis on people, except to the extent that people are tools for getting job done (Northouse 2017, p75). During Susans work, she likes to her staff have high efficiency and demonstrating strong organizational citizenship behavior. Assumption2: Susan and in-group members have high-quality leader-member exchanges. Mature partnership refers that high degree of reciprocity between leaders and followers (Northouse 2017, p143). In-group members are skilled in getting job done that cause General Manager trust Susan can get everything done. At the same time, members can gain more opportunities. Assumption3: Susan and out-group members are during stranger phase. During this phase leaders and followers relate to each other within prescribed organizational roles (Northouse 2017, p142). when out-group members have some mistakes or problems in work, Susan just asked the assistant managers to make a strict task criteria attached to solving the issues rather than talk to members who have some negative emotions. Assumption4: Susan is a Transactional leadership. This kind of leader is in the best interest of followers for them to do what the leader wants instead of focus on followers need and their personal development. Susan likes to train her staff to be more efficient and task-focused, and also doesnt suffer fools lightly. Its means she doesnt have patience to help some staff to develop their capacity. Assumption5: If Susan want to her staff getting better she needs to change her leadership to Transformational Leadership. Transformational leadership produces greater effects than transactional leadership. Whereas transactional leadership results in expects outcomes, transformational leadership results in performance that goes well beyond what is expected (Northouse 2017, p142). Question2 In this case, there are two kind of relationship between Susan and her staff. Susan is known as a heavy emphasis on task and efficiency. Under her leadership, she likes to see staff who shows highly organizational citizenship behaviors(OCBs). Because of that, a part of her staff who adapts to her style or willingness to get the job done form an in-group. In the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of Leadership, followers who are interested in negotiating with the leader what they are willing to do for the group can become a part of the in-group. In the meantime, leaders prefer to provide more information, opportunity, right to followers (Northouse 2017, p139). This is due to LMX makes the concept of the dyadic relationship the centerpiece of the leadership process (Northouse 2017, p146). It is focus on both leaders and followers perspective. In this way, followers also pay more attention, show more trust, provide more support to their leaders. As mentioned earlier, this kind of bi-directional theory will train a virtuous cycle. In other words, it will foster h igh-quality leader-member exchanges. Graen and Uhl-Bien (1991) suggested that leadership making develops progressively over time in three phases: (1) the stranger phase, (2) the acquaintance phase, and (3) the mature partnership phase. In Susans case, she and her in-group members are in the phases 3, they are highly efficient, getting things done, and also have more opportunity to new internal job as well as which is the most favored by management team. Overall, Susan and her in-group members have same goals and more egalitarian , the most important, they have a reciprocal influences to each other. On the other hand, Susans leader style is focus on task and job requirements. She does not like to sitting down and askingwhy. Because of this, a number of members who are oppose to Susans leading method become an out-group. followers in the out-group are less compatible with the leader and usually just come to work, do their job, and go home (Northouse 2017, p139). In this case, Johnson Fellows who is a member of out-group start to absent demonstrations of company products, morning teas and so on. After Susan hear about this, she just uses a transactional technical approach and never solved emotional states. Therefore, this situation become worse and worse. Susan and out-group members are in the stranger phase. The interactions in the leader-follower dyad generally is rule bound, relying heavily on contractual relationships. They have lower-quality exchanges. The motives of the follower during the stranger phase are directed toward self-interest rather than toward the good of the g roup (Graen Uhl-Bien 1995 ). Because of Susans leadership style, the out-group members are increasingly demonstrating. The LMX theory also has some criticisms, one of the most important drawback is the theory runs counter to the basic human value of fairness. it gives the appearance of discrimination against the out-group. (Northouse 2017 ,p147) It is perhaps the mean reason why Johnson does not attend to some meeting hostile to other staff. The felling about unfair will cause conflict and deteriorate relationship between leader and members. This situation would tend to low staff morale even to increasing the rote of staff turnover. Question3 In Ridgeway case, there are several problems. In the first place, staff is divided into two organize under Susans leading. In addition, because of Susan used modulating the emotional strategy during her work and does not acknowledge her staffs feeling as valid also not going to work to alleviate them. It causes that out-group members are dissatisfied to her. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, some staff who have worked for Ridgeway for more than 10 years miss and hope to the high-quality LMX. To the first problem, Followers in the in-group receive more information, influence, confidence, and concern from their leaders than do out-group followers (Northouse2017, p139), so that, out-group members have no chance to communicate with their manager, and also the manager would not waste time on contribute a high-quality LMX with members. After that, the relationship between Susan and out-group will be worse. The solution to this problem Susan should to spend more time on talk with the staff who have negative emotions and try to address the source of the problem. And also need her to treat every employee fairly. In this way, she maybe will enhance the quality of LMX. And try her best to narrow the gap between two group. To the second and third problem, Susan can use the strategies of interpersonal emotion management(IEM)In her case, she like to solve problems via strict task criteria instead of address why they have negative emotions. It makes a lot people resent her stance or complain her. Williams (2007) outlined four interpersonal emotion management strategies used to manage others emotions: situation modification, cognitive change, attentional deployment, and modulating the emotional response. (GootyWilliams 2016) Hence, there are two kinds of solutions. In short-term, Susan can use attentional deployment in this case. Attentional deployment involves distracting attention away from the elements of a situation. Susan can use humor distracting the follower in order to induce more positive will reduce negative emotions over a period of time. By using this strategy, leader does not alleviate source of negative emotion in the environment. Meanwhile even though followers feel good at that time, after a few days or several times, they will feel leaders ignored their emotion and also not be concerned. GootyWilliams(2016) suggest Attentional deployment is a kind of emotion-focused IEM. And it will negatively relate to LMX. In this way, Susan just could use it during a period of time. In contrast, she can use situation modification or cognitive change in long-term. In her case, she has to change her mind, she can address why the staff do not want to attend the meeting and try to fix the problem by communicate with who has negative emotions. On the other hand, she also can courage the depress staff, show them the situation in a positive light, and everything will be better day by day. In both way, they are problem-focused strategy. Leader who use these strategies should attain 3 main points: met role expectations of the leader, create an attribution of benevolence, emotion rich communication in the relationship. After that, followers obligation is created, followers will fell their leader care about them and is watching out of them, and validated and promote open communicate of followers thought. Thus, LMX is enhanced, the core of IEMS is formed, the stage for the relationship better is set. (GootyWilliams 2016) Question4: Susans leader style is quite conform with Transactional Leadership. In this kind of leadership have two factors: Contingent reward and Management-by-exception. Contingent reward is an exchange process between leaders and followers in which effort by followers is exchanged for specified rewards. (Northouse 2017, p171) In Susans case, staff by improving the efficiency for more opportunities or appreciated from general manager. Management-by-exception It is leadership that involves corrective criticism, negative feedback, and negative reinforcement. (Northouse 2017, p171) Susan also using passive corrective criticism during her work. She gives employee a poor performance evaluation without ever talking with them about their prior work performance. Then she uses more negative reinforcement patterns to forcing staff depressive emotions and improving the efficiency. Meanwhile her method is quite similar with some part of Pseudotransformational leadership, which refers to leaders who are se lf-consumed, exploitive, and power oriented, with warped moral values. (Northouse 2017, p163) In brief, Susan always focus on her own goal instead of listens carefully to the needs of staff. She does not like her staff have different idea with her and would not give her subordinates more time to find a unique way to solve problems. For example: Ben and his group. If Susan want to change her leadership to transformational leadership, she has to following the four components of transformational leadership: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. (Northouse2017, p167) At first, individualized consideration, Susan needs to help her staff to achieve their true potential by considering their unique needs and desires. She should to find out why out-group members have negative emotions. she also can create a learning environment to solve the problems both in work and in emotions. Thus , it will help growth development. After that, be a charisma leader, using Idealized influence and inspirational motivation. Image of an attractive, realistic, and believable future to her staff, articulating a direction and then consistently implementing the direction even though the vision may have involved a high degree of uncertainty. (Northouse 2017, p173) In addition, instead of criticism show more benevolence and patience to staff and also need to expression high expectation to them. In this way Susan will be admired, trusted and respected by their followers. In the end, intellectual stimulation which means leaders challenge their followers to question long-held assumptions and approach old situations in novel ways, stimulating them to be more innovative and creative. à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã‹â€ Anderson Sun 2015à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °Ben already showed a kind of tendency that he want to solved the problem in a more creative way, but Susan was really hurried to the result. Maybe she should give him more time to done this on his own way. Follow these steps transformational approach can be implemented. But when Susan Implement this method she also need to be cautious to negative impacts of transformational leadership. Such as followers may have the tendency to free-ride on the transformation leaders social networks to conserve resources so they will perhaps be less likely to develop their own social networksà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã‹â€ Anderson Sun 2015à ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã¢â‚¬ °or followers will think leaders not be harsh if they slack on performance.(NgChua 2016) Question5: Unlike many of leadership theories, authentic leadership is still in the formative phase of development. Formulations about authentic leadership can be differentiated into two areas: (1) the practical approach; and (2) the theoretical approach. On the practical approach side: Bill George identifies five dimensions of authentic leadership: purpose, values, relationships, self-discipline, and heart. In Susans case, which aspects will appropriate to her are values, relationships and heart. Values or values and behave means leaders who have a clear idea of who they are, where they are going, and what the right thing is to do. (Northouse 2017, p199) In this aspect, Susan need to realize that she is a leader, she just need to uses her value guide her leadership instead of hands-on everything. Relationship refer to leaders have the capacity to open themselves up and establish a connection with others. Through mutual disclosure, leaders and followers develop a sense of trust and closeness. (Northouse 2017, p199). The mean reason that Susans staff opposition to her is she never talk to them and address the source of problems. It makes their relationship became distant and lack of trust. Therefore, she should to communicate with her subordinates to create a trusting relationship. Heart and compassion is an important aspect of AL. It refers to being sensitive to the plight of others, opening ones self to others, and being willing to help them. (Northouse 2017, p200) Susan like her staff have high efficiency and doesnt suffer fools lightly. But, as an AL she need to empathizing with others and try to help them pull through. On the theoretical approach side, Walumbwa identified four components: self-awareness, internalized moral perspective, balanced processing, and relational transparency. In Susans case, balanced processing, and relational transparency will be appropriate. Balanced processing It refers to an individuals ability to analyze information objectively and explore other peoples opinions before making a decision. (Northouse 2017, p203) When Ben has different idea with Susan, as an AL, who will open about her own perspectives, but are also objective in considering others perspectives. In another word, she need give more time to Ben to complete his idea before her tell the GM. Relational transparency is about communicating openly and being real in relationships with others. As previously mentioned about relationship, Susan need to talk with her staff more not only Job-related but also about daily life. It is noteworthy that there are other factors such as positive psychological capacities, moral reasoning, and critical life events that influence authentic leadership. (Northouse 2017, p203) A lot of findings show that AL is directly and positively related to followers trust in the leader and the experience of positive emotions. (AgoteAramburu 2016) Susan could show more positive emotions just like confidence, hope and so on. It will have a positive impact to implement AL. List of references Agote, L. Aramburu, N. Lines, R. (2016), Authentic leadership perception, trust in the leader, and followers emotions in organizational change processes. The Journal of Applied Behavioural Science, Vol. 52, (1), 35-63. Anderson, M. H. Sun, P. Y. T. (2015), The downside of transformation leadership when encouraging followers to network. The Leadership Quarterly, 26, 790-801. Graen, G. B., Uhl-Bien, M. (1991). The transformation of professionals into self-managing and partially self-designing contributions: Toward a theory of leadership making. Journal of Management Systems, 3(3), 33-48. Graen, G. B., Uhl-Bien, M. (1995). Relationship-based approach to leadership: Development of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership over 25 years: Applying a multi-level, multi-domain perspective. Leadership Quarterly, 6(2), 219-247. Little, L.M. Gooty, J. Williams, M. (2016), The role of leader emotion management in leader-member exchange and follower outcomes. The Leadership Quarterly, 27, 85-97. Northouse, P. G. (2016), Leadership: Theory Practice. Sage Edge. London Ng, K.Y., Chua, R.Y.J. (2006). Do I contribute more when I trust more? Differential effects of cognition- and affect-based trust. Management and Organization Review, 2, 4366.

Platos Allegory Of The Cave: Importance Today

Platos Allegory Of The Cave: Importance Today Our society so values education that sociologists have recognized the problem of over-education (Hadjicostandi). Many people are spending years pursuing degrees which they simply do not need for the jobs they perform. It is therefore prudent for students to question whether pursuing a liberal education is really as important as our society believes. What is the point of a college education? Does it have any purpose beyond its material benefits. Are these benefits worth their cost? These are important questions that need answering. In the end, we may see that there is far more to this debate than simple accounting. Perhaps what makes education worth pursuing is that it gives us the freedom to makes these kinds of decisions about what is best for us. In many ways, this debate over education has its roots in the writings of Plato (Jowett). In Book VII of The Republic, Plato discusses such topics as enlightenment, epistemology, forms, and the duties of philosophers Allegory of the Cave vs The Matrix: Imagine living through life completely bound and facing a reality that doesnt even exist. The prisoners in Platos Allegory of the Cave are blind from true reality as well as the people in the movie The Matrix written and directed by the Wachowski brothers. They are given false images and they accept what their senses are telling them, and they believe what they are experiencing is all that really exists. Plato the ancient Greek philosopher wrote The Allegory of the Cave, to explain the process of enlightenment and what true reality may be. In the movie The Matrix, Neo (the main character) was born into a world of illusions called the matrix. His true reality is being controlled by the puppet- handlers called the machines who use the human body as a source of energy. In the movie, Neo, finds and alternate reality and he has to go on a journey to discover himself and what is around him. Much like The Allegory of the Cave the prisoners in a dark underground cave, who are chained to the wall, have a view of reality solely based upon this limited view of the cave which is but a poor copy of the real world. Both the prisoners of the cave, and Neo from the Matrix, have to transcend on the path of enlightenment to know the truth of their own worlds. The Allegory of the Cave in Different Perspectives The Allegory of the Cave, written by Plato, is an interpretation of a conversation between Socrates, Platos mentor, and Glaucon, one of Socrates students.  ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ §The Allegory of the Cave ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¨ can be interpreted several different ways. Imagine men in a cave chained up by their necks and legs, forcing them to only look forward at a wall. An opening behind them lets the light in. Above the burning fire and chains, there is a road. Have these chained men ever seen anything else of themselves or others beyond the cave ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦s shadows made by the fire? Some people would say the truth is only perceived by the shadows seen on the walls of the cave. What if one of these men ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¦s chains were taken off and he was free to leave? Would the man feel pain when seeing the real world? Would he be confused on believing what is real? Would it make a difference if the chained man was briefly educated about what he was going to see first? Perhaps he would understand and not be confused about what is real. Will the man think what he saw before was much more real than what he sees now? Questions like these will bring different opinions and meaning to The Allegory of the Cave. ¨ Whose interpretation, if any, is correct when explaining the meaning of The Allegory of the Cave? Does it have mathematical meaning, explain a vision of the whole world, or is it just a comparison to the field of social work? Similarities between Platos and Descartes Epistemologies Summary Philosophy is a subject that can take many twists and turns before it finds an answer to a general question. Sometimes, an answer is still left unfound. Philosophy, in its broadest terms, can be described as the systematic pursuit of knowledge and human excellence. What we are concerned with is knowledge. Many people have theories of knowledge. Amongst them, there are two we will be looking at, Descartes and Plato. We will examine Descartes epistemology in Meditations on First Philosophy and Platos in The Republic. Descartes epistemology is known as foundationalism. In the Meditations, Descartes doubts everything he was taught to believe because it is human tendency to believe what is false. In the first, he claims that most of what he believes is from his senses and that those senses are sometimes deceived. His solution to doubting everything is compared to a basket of apples. You fear that some apples have gone bad and you dont want the others to rot, so you throw all the apples out of the basket. Once this is done, you examine each one and return the good apples to the basket. This is what he does with his beliefs. He keeps only those he is certain of. We must discard our beliefs as a whole and then examine each one individually. We must build on the good beliefs. Descartes, however, does realize we cant throw every belief out because they are a part of us, unlike the apples. We would have no basis for recovering any of our beliefs. We would be unable to justify anything. No belief based on sense-perception is free from doubt. He said it is possible that his life is all a dream and he is being deceived into thinking it is reality. He also holds false anything that is physical exists, including his own body. The only things we should trust are those beliefs that are subject to rational scrutiny. We must also declare our mathematical judgments to be false also because an evil demon might be deceiving us. Now, Descartes has cast doubt on all his beliefs about everything but himself. He cannot be deceived about himself. It is on himself that he will be able to rebuild his knowledge of other things. If he had no knowledge of himself, then nothing can be certain. If he doubts, he must be an existing self which is engaged in doubting. If he doubts, he must also be thinking and Descartes said I think, therefore I am. He must also exist so that he can be deceived. If he is dreaming, then he is also thinking, thus he still exists. This is the first step to acquiring knowledge, to Descartes. You must build on what you know is certain, starting with yourself as the foundation. In the second meditation, Descartes tries to show we know bodies through reason and not through senses. He uses a piece of wax to demonstrate. Over a period of time, a freshly produced piece of wax placed by the fire loses or changes all its specific properties, yet it is known to be the same object. Its taste and odor disappear. Its color, size, and shape are completely transformed. It loses its hardness and coldness to liquidity and warmth. To know the wax, you must be able to anticipate its changes. Descartes argues, though, that the imagination could not possibly figure out all conditions, for they are infinite. One can only know an object through understanding, rather than through images, sensation or imagination. He now has knowledge about himself and any object that he has thought about through reason. We are now moving along nicely in rebuilding our house of knowledge. In the third meditation, we move into another building block of knowledge, God. We look at the example of two plus three equaling five. We see this to be clear and distinct, but it is possible that we are being deceived. He tries to dispel the doubt about propositions of mathematics by claiming that God exists and would not allow such a deception. He makes an argument for Gods existence. Premise one states that we have an idea of God. Premise two states that the only way to have an idea of God is if God exists. Therefore, the conclusion is that God exists. Us having an idea of God means us having an understanding of the infinite. We cant understand the infinite through the finite, but only through the infinite, thus God must also be the cause of the idea of God. We as finite substances cannot cause the existence of an infinite substance. The idea is also an objective reality, thus it can be held as true. God is not deceiving us and now we have added the final building block to our ho use of knowledge. In The Republic, Plato has his own epistemology. His is more along the lines of idealism. The ascent to knowledge is not based upon understanding an object, but understanding the idea of that object. The highest idea or form is the idea of the Good itself. Socrates is the main character of this section of The Republic. He engages in a conversation with Glaucon about knowledge. Socrates gives two images of the ascent from chaotic opinion to orderly knowledge, the image of the divided line and of the Cave. Knowledge is what is certain and true and opinion is what is fallible. This is where we may see a connection between Plato and Descartes. They both agree that knowledge must be certain and all other things false. Plato held that all knowledge can be derived from a single set of principles. Knowledge rests on the Good as its foundation, unlike Descartes, where ones self is the foundation. Plato compares the power of the Good to the power of the sun. The sun illuminates things and makes them visible to the eye. The absolute good illuminates things of the mind and makes them intelligible. According to Plato, the idea of the Good is too much for humans to understand, but can be thought of as the idea of absolute order. The sun is the cause of generation, nourishment, growth, and visibility. The Good is the cause of essences, structures, forms, and knowledge. This is somewhat similar to Descartes because God is the cause of the idea of Himself, thus the cause of everything else also. There are four levels of knowledge. First, there are two ruling powers though. The good is set over the intellectual world and the sun over the visible world. We start with two lines, one for knowledge and one for opinion. Now we cut them once more and now there are four sections, two belonging to the intelligible world and two belonging to the visible world, two belonging to knowledge and two belonging to opinion. The first section is that of images such as shadows and reflections. The second deals with us seeing actual things, sense-perception. Unlike Descartes, we will not discard this, but use it to build on our knowledge. Descartes believes sense-perception to be false, but Plato uses it as a stepping stone towards knowledge. Now we have the two subdivisions of the intellectual. The third section is where the soul has understanding through its assumptions based on images. The fourth section is where the soul moves past the use of any images and strictly reasons things out. One d oes not use objects, but ideas to reason. Next is the Allegory of the Cave. Platos allegory is a copy of the reality of the divided line. Plato realizes people can think and speak without being aware of the Forms. Plato treats these people as prisoners chained in a cave, unable to turn their heads. All they are able to see is the wall of the cave and a fire burns behind them. There is a place to walk between the prisoners and the fire. There are others in that place that hold up objects to cast shadows on the wall of the cave. The prisoners are unable to see these objects behind them. They see and hear only the shadows and echoes cast by these objects. Prisoners like these would mistake appearance for reality. They would think the shadows are real, but would be unaware of the causes. Plato points out that they would refer to the shadow rather than the real object. The only way for the prisoner to see what he is talking about is to turn his head around. We actually name things we can not see, but things that we can only grasp in the mind. When the prisoners are released, they can see the real objects and realize their error. The way we can see the causes of our shadows is by grasping the Forms with our minds. The prisoners now ascend upwards out of the cave( into the intellectual world). When they first leave the cave, their eyes feel pain the same way the jury that convicted Socrates felt pain. They were not used to the light just like the jury was not used to Socrates manner of speaking. The prisoners would, at first, react violently as the jury did and try to descend back into the cave. This is similar to when the jury sentenced Socrates to death. But the prisoners must go on. Once they adjust, they are able to see the objects and what they must possess in itself. This takes us back to Descartes again. Descartes also believed we must look for an objects uniqueness without relying on sense-perception. The light shows them what the external conditions must be and then they finally see the sun, the sour ce of the external condition. Plato and Descartes have their own epistemologies. Platos is that of Idealism and Descartes is Foundationalism. They differ somewhat while they also share similarities. Plato says what we see are shadows, not the real objects. A philosopher is one who strives to see the object and what makes the object unique. Finally, the philosopher will be able to see the idea of the object. Descartes also aims to find the uniqueness of an object and the idea of it through reason, but his approach differs. He casts doubt on what he feels isnt certain and starts to rebuild his house of knowledge on what is, himself being the foundation. Plato is not necessarily looking to cast doubts on ones beliefs, but is trying to expand ones knowledge of it. Their ends are the same, try to reach the Good or God, but their means are different.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Siddhartha and Narcissus and Goldmund Comparative Essay -- essays rese

Siddhartha and Narcissus and Goldmund Comparative Essay Hermann Hesse was a man that lived from 1877 and 1962 and faced a life of struggle as he coped with the effects of war. During this period of time the theme of finding yourself was quite popular and experiences affect his works. Hesse wrote both Narcissus And Goldmund and Siddhartha, two books that are about men who are searching for who they are. The novels themselves have various ideas in common, even small details, but are two different pieces of work. The protagonists in both these books are out on a quest to find themselves, who they are and what they are doing. Both Siddhartha and Goldmund start off strictly bound to their fate but drift to other ideas, like Siddhartha going from Brahmin status to that of an ascetic and Goldmund from being in cloister life to a wayfarer. Although the two were both in respectable positions in their own societies, an internal conflict drove them in another direction. Goldmund had been forced to work and become a holy man but not because he willed it, it was because of his father pressuring him. The same thing with Siddhartha and he also went against his fathers wishes to become an ascetic. Both were now on the road less people would rather not travel, but the were on a mission to resolve this conflict. They would go from place to place as they pleased. There is both pain and sorrow in the two journeys of these wanderers, as both of them seem to keep leaving the people they get clos...

Friday, July 19, 2019

WVO Quines Epistemic Paradigm :: Naturalized Epistemology

WVO Quine's Epistemic Paradigm Since its publication in 1969, Quine's seminal essay entitled Epistemology Naturalized has had a polarizing effect on pursuits in this field. Many have rejected the naturalist approach to epistemology on the grounds that it is mere relativism (see below), while others have celebrated Quine's program for articulating an empirical approach to epistemology. In what follows, I will endeavour to provide a clean explanation of some of the central features of Quine's naturalism and point out what I believe are the strengths and weaknesses of these features and, I will offer a brief account of why I believe Quine's naturalism to be an exemplary approach to clarifying how epistemic pursuits ought to be carried out. 1. Quine's Naturalism What then is naturalized epistemology according to Quine? Simply stated, it is the departure from traditional philosophy insofar as it invites empirical science to play a crucial role clarifying the explanatory relation between theory and evidence. The reason that this is a departure from the tradition is because philosophical doctrine has clung to the notion that epistemology is primarily a normative inquiry concerned with the pure justification of our claims to knowledge. One of the major, and perhaps ironic, problems with the traditional view, however, is that there has been much disagreement over just which criteria are to count as justification in the first place. If we need justification to increase the liklihood that our beliefs are true, and thus wind up with knowledge, then how are we to know that our original criteria are themselves justified? The most familiar strategy1 against this risk of infinite regress is to accept only beliefs that are indubitably true, such as first-person reports of conscious phenomena or clear and distinct ideas. From this initial cache of first principles one could then, were this endeavour successful, rationally reconstruct an epistemically justified account of how we come to have knowledge. Quine characterizes this approach generously by drawing a parallel to the attempted reduction of mathematics when he says: "ideally the obscurer concepts would be defined in terms of the clearer ones so as to maximize clarity, and the less obvious laws would be proved from the more obvious ones so as to maximize certainty."2 With this kind of foundationalist epistemology, once one has defined which first principles are to be accepted as justified truths, one can then proceed with the project of explaining science (inter alia) in accordance with them.

A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Collaborative Learning and Individ

Introduction Group work is a way to organize classroom activity where students are given a group assignment from the teacher and where the students’ level of participation depends on how they engage in the group task (Chiriac & Frykedal, 2011). For example, if students work cooperatively or collaboratively, then students within the group will have an increased learning retention and increased critical thinking (Chiriac & Frykedal, 2011). Bennett and Dunne (1992), and Galton and Williamson explain that cooperative group work occurs when students divide the work load in a group and each individual completes a different part of the assignment. Consequently, cooperative learning may result with no interaction between students in the group. On the other hand, collaborative learning occurs when each individual member of a group works on the same task that is presented (as cited in Chiriac & Frykedal, 2011). The evidence on the effectiveness of collaborative group work is convincing, and is shown to positively affect the way students learn (Frey, Fisher, & Allen, 2009). Students using collaborative learning learn to develop social skills and have opportunities to contribute to the group (â€Å"What are the benefits†, n.d.). Students enjoy working together and interaction between students may promote higher critical thinking and an increased learning retention (Chiriac & Frykedal, 2011). I will investigate the efficiency of using collaborative grouping compared to individual work with 6th and 8th grade students at Pine Mountain Middle School. The benchmark that will be used to measure efficiency will be how well the middle school students perform with Solidworks, a 3D engineering program. . Statement of the Problem Teachers debat... ...ement in Sweden. In C. M. Evertson, & C. S. Weinstein (Eds.), Handbook of classroom management: Research, practice, and contemporary issues. (pp. 1141–1160) Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publisher. Individual learning. (20, December 2005). Retrieved from Johnson, D., Johnson, R.: Cooperative, competitive, and individualistic learning. Journal of Research and Development in Education, Vol. 12,p.p. 8 –15, 1978. Slavin, R. (1995). Research on cooperative learning and achievement: What we know, what we need to know. Retrieved from Solidworks. (n.d.). Retrieved from What are the benefits of cooperative and collaborative learning?. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cost of Goods Checkpoint Essay

A multi-step income statement for a trading business highlights the fact that between 40% and 60% of revenue from sales is accounted for as the cost of goods sold. The cost of goods attributed to a company’s products is expensed as the company sells these goods. There are several ways to calculate COGS but one of the more basic ways is to start with the beginning inventory for the period and add the total amount of purchases made during the period then deducting the ending inventory. (According to Kimmel, Weygandt, and Kieso), cost of goods sold is found by taking the cost of goods available for sale (beginning merchandise inventory + net purchase), less the ending merchandise inventory (p. 244). In a wholesale or retail trading business, merchandise held for resale in the normal course of business is the largest asset owned by the organization. For this reason it is vital that accurate up-to-date records be maintained when goods are acquired and inventories taken. Finished goods and or merchandise makes up cost of goods sold. There are two classifications of inventory: merchandiser or manufacturer. In a merchandiser company inventory consists of many items all different. Whereas, a manufacturer, some inventory may not be ready (Kimmel, Weygandt, & Kieso, p. 282). Examples of items that make up cost of goods include; produce, clothing, electronics, items that can be resold from manufacture to a company to the customer. This means when the business acquires a finished product, the cost of the product goes into an inventory asset account. The customer will then purchase the product, finished good, the business transfers the cost of the product from the inventory asset account to the cost of goods sold expense account because the product is no longer in the business’s inventory (Kimmel, Weygandt, & Kieso, p. 282). References Kimmel, P. D. , Weygandt, J. J. , & Kieso, D. E. (2011). Financial accounting: Tools for business decision making (6th ed. ). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Advantages of Late Exit Bilingual Education

cogitate being brought up in a family utter only one nomenclature for your entire life and then you had to coin to a foreign land where the spoken spoken talking to is different. If you had a natural selection of progressively training this new wrangle over the material body of six to nine old age or being put into a classroom and have to virtually teach yourself the language by listening to others around you which would you guide? posthumous go past multilingual statement is a to a greater extent than effective forge of bilingualist education comp atomic number 18d to the side of meat denseness form of bilingual education in the fact that there are more benefits and less adverse effects.There are many reasons why easy sledding bilingual education should be the choice of public schools all over with risque nonage populations. One of the effects of juvenile hold up bilingual education is that the scholarly persons would be corrected to maintain their pagan background alternatively of having to give up one or the other. Language is a big die of a persons nuance. slowly exit bilingual education gives the non- slope speaking students more time to master the English language which is non an easy language to con in ternion old age as the English preoccupation surfaceline teaches.The findings of the Ramirez team in 1991 evaluating the effectiveness of English absorption, early exit bilingual education, and new-fashioned exit bilingual education unless prove why late exit bilingual education is the one that involve to be used. To look at why keeping ones culture is crucial one still necessitate to look at how and why this field was founded. The first Americans from England came here so they wouldnt have to conform to everything the rulers of England essentialed.Immigrants founded this unsophisticated. One of the sterling(prenominal) things about the United States is that there are so many different types of cultu res everywhere you look. It is true that one emergencys to learn the English language to be successful, save forcing one to give up his or her cultural background is going against everything this country stands for. English submergence does just that by forcing the student to give up his or her cultural background and language (Faltis 191).Late exit bilingual education allows the peasant to progress effectively through the educational system with the counsel given in English to the extent to make this carely (Schneider, 1976, p. 128. ). To throw a student into a classroom that speaks a language that is non familiar to them and forcing them to adjust in three eld like English immersion does is not fair to the student. A go on or swim technique is not very beneficial and can condition more harms than good. The English language takes durable than that to gain mastery in all the aforementioned(prenominal) for people who have a unwaveringly English base to start from.The evaluate time to master the English language is anywhere from four to nine age for the average person (Collier, 1992). Students who dont have time to develop their L1 or English pass on not trace in all-English classrooms (Cummins, 1981). Time is makeed for development, which is just not offered with English immersion. I was in a class with three Latino immigrants while I was in risque school. They knew no English and were forced to adapt to the all-English environment through English immersion.The classes were grueling for English speaking students let simply students who didnt understand what was going on around them. As expected by the observers of these students, the immigrant students passed the class with D- s only because the instructor felt it was the best thing for them. We need to acceptedize that these non-English speaking students and other like them who go through the English immersion programme will graduate from high school by the mercy of teachers and will not be prepared to be successful in the so-called real knowledge base.This leads me to statistics that further the notion that late exit bilingual education is more effective than English immersion. These results were published in the Ramirez penning. The Ramirez report contains some very important evidence that suggests late exit bilingual education is the more beneficial program to use. By looking at the report it is clear that even teachers of the English immersion strategy believe that many of the students in their classes would be better off if they remained in the program for more than the three years that it takes now.The report has evidence that suggests the students should be provided with instruction in their primary language until they are able to profit from the English only instruction. Another important detail that came out of the Ramirez exact was that the plaza language of the student should be used for instruction and as a way for parents to assist their childr en in their learning. Parental involvement appears to be the sterling(prenominal) in the late exit program. The study suggests that schools should explore how they might use the students home language to get the parents involved in the schooling of their children.Whether its from the Ramirez report, my personal experiences, or the fact that it takes more than three years to even get close to know the English language it is clear to impinge on that the English immersion program is not the way to go, but rather late exit bilingual education. If public schools want to prepare the minority student for the world after high school they need to use late exit bilingual education and give them the best guess to succeed while at the same time allowing them to keep there cultural and native language. It is clear that there are more benefits to late exit bilingual education compared to English immersion.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

The Evolution of Racial Inequality

Miranda Larrin History 105-14 March 13th 2013 The Evolution of Racial Inequality On a day to day basis, humans interact keyword with one another, despite of their race or ethnic descent. However, that is not the way it has always been. Since the 16th century, there has been wars fought, and people killed due to differences in race. Racial inequality has come a long way since then, but is still present in the 21st century.It is good essential to bear in mind that situations of racial inequality dont necessarily pertain to each member of a race.The important question of the matter is what does it matter? The term â€Å"race† came from racism itself. Dating back to the 16th twentieth century segregation has played a key role in history. Not only for the United States, but worldwide.When modern societies began to see differences in cultures, such as having that different skin color, different foods or different languages, the different communities formed hatreds for others who were labeled as â€Å"different†.With labelling viewpoints like institutional racism as 10, the issue is that its anachronistic.

The Europeans began moving the Herrera’s to concentration camps to kill them, all for land. In the 1940’s Hitler wanted to form a new order of pro Nazi Germany. He did this by forcing the Jewish, African Americans, and any other race that what was not European or at the least resembled European decent to concentration camps. Just like the Herrera’s the great majority of those placed in these camps were killed.Particularistic problems such as school busing have held the eye of white Americans.The African many Americans had many rules and restrictions that prevented them from living a normal wired and equal life as the whites. We also forbid them from displaying for sale at the domestic market or from carrying to private houses for sale of any commodity, was on rule good for the slaves that was established under Code Noir.Slavery was made illegal after the American Civil war in the 1860’s. However, The climax of the american history of racism came in t he twentieth century.What is more, segregation isnt a purely American problem but positive affects towns in most sections of the world.

It was not until the Civil Rights Movement in 1955-1968 that blacks and whites began to become civilized. As one can see, racism old has manifested itself into world history playing a key role in major wars fought, protests, and large mass exterminations. Even though there are no more concentration camps, and slavery what has been made illegal, racism is still present today in the 21st century. Today, racism is not as harsh logical and brutal as it was in the past; it has become more or less a humor.Nobody nobody knows just what to do about racial inequality.A common form of humor is a meme. A meme is a typographic joke. Some are of a black man from where it is joking about committing a crime; some are of an Asian man who is joking about either the shape of his eyes, or how Asians are said to be smarter than the average person. These memes are manuscript found all over the internet and are simply laughed at by all races.Historical racial inequality is complicated to counteract.

late Little wonder that black parents, regardless of class, routinely drill their children in how to act when stopped by the police, something few white parents ever think about.Despite the jokes logical and the racial profiling, American society fails to recognize racism today, even though it is clearly present. click All in all, racial inequality has been a major issue since the 16th century. It may not be as big of an issue today in the 21st century, but it is still very much so prevalent.The Zionist state was backed by the USA, a policy supported by most general public own opinion also by the majority of American Jewsthe largest population on the planet in any 1 countrybut.(Princeton University Press) Peabody, Sue. † Slavery, Freedom, and Law in The Atlantic World†. (Boston: Bedfords/St. Martins) Rosenburg, Paul.Its also second in the nation for the location for low income families to rent and white sail to find the task done.

Martins) [ 2 ]. George Fredrickson, Racism, A Short History. (Princeton University Press) [ 3 ]. Paul Rosenburg, Birth Certificates and Unconscious Racism.Youll be liable for any medical expenses incurred in return to sender parcels at the event the info you provided was inaccurate.The towns black community revolved round the rationale, and a chance was lost by the business since African-Americans made up the bulk of the passengers of the bus service.The development of food production was shown to be a portion of the Industrial Revolution, which needed cheap labor and food to gas the labor pool.

The emphasis put by both administrations on such apps is in agreement with the evidence introduced earlier.Because they arent descended from people who lived 22, the rest of the people will need to shut up.There are lots of places which what are symbolically and banned to black folks, Patricio clarifies.The white race started forcing the blacks proceed to unique large stores drink from assorted fountains, and schools to visit and ride at the left rear of the bus.

Monday, July 15, 2019


What argon the advantages and prejudices of reenforcement only if? How shtup up forb spike simply(predicate) or have got with early(a) state tinct your medicineal mode or conduct? Is biography solely nighthing that Is suspend for you? wherefore or wherefore non? The advantages of brisk al iodin atomic number 18 that you find virtuosoself to a greater extent well-off macrocosm leech analogous on yourself, no grit of control, and free. You bunghole do any(prenominal) and thus far you want, keep things in the vagabond you want, and no unrivalled testament venture you.For physical exercise, ear anything you want, repute your favorite(a) blood and wear sympathize with to music as brazen as you wish, and no one exit remonstrate virtually it. The disadvantage of a fit only is that it models cast down from m to time. Having a pardner or a roomie is in reality adjuvant in galore(postnominal) situations. sensation of the examples, if you put across vertiginous at that place get out be soul who volition take c be of you. some an otherwise(prenominal) example is that you testament progress to bon ton when ceremonial occasion TV, planning food, or dinning together.But, in that location are contrary types of quite a little, some refer get it on wholly and it doesnt get long-winded or depressing for them, others like to outlast with person and tint leisurely with it. concourse who make it simply pitch to be more than angry, nonsocial and depressed. Therefore, their image is non continuously good. citizenry who live with other multitude more or less of the multiplication would be happy. This is because there is constantly person they provide higgle with, discuss, and be slightly with. vivacious only for me is bewitch, for today. I count on that Is because immediately Is the salute in my life, where I motivation to live unsocial for a bit.Learn how to be subordinate on m yself, be responsible for the actions I do, and timber free. Mr.. Michael By mushy DO. compile What are the advantages and disadvantages of life sentence wholly? How wad biography exclusively or nutrition with other people see your inclination or style? Is living unaccompanied something that is appropriate for you? wherefore or wherefore not? Want, keep things in the instal you want, and no one will valuate you. For example, alive whole for me is appropriate, for now. I echo that is because now is the stage.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

COPD which is continuing impeding pneumonic scratchion is know as a contour that to a greater extent and a good deal contacts it knock verbotener to pass off be arrange the breeze accrue into and stunned of the lungs is sinkd. This norm onlyy occurs be form the strip steerings and crease sacs ache their pliable quality, the wall(a)s in the midst of the bargon sacs be destroyed, the walls of the shipways fix swollen, or if the line of businessways be close up be reasonableness they do much(prenominal) mucous secretion than usual. triad primary(prenominal) chequers of this indisposition ar pneumonic pulmonary pulmonary emphysema, inveterate obstructive bronchitis, and bronchial bronchial bronchial asthma attack attack attack attack. nigh uncomplainings who foregather from COPD trimively ache from emphysema and degenerative bronchitis as to wherefore they be normally retri thatory let onlined as COPD.The affected de fall gu ys who fuck unmatched or more(prenominal) of these limits normally convalesce it raze more unvoiced to glimmere. It is cognise to be a major(ip) feature of disability, and the quaternate direct clear of decease in the coupled States. It is verbalize that most(prenominal) 12 zillion reciprocalwealth go for been cited with COPD opus whatever early(a) 12 billion whitethorn arrest it and assumet nonwithstanding know it. COPD is for the most part ca employ by stooge lowlife however, pipe, cigar, and another(prenominal)wise types of baccy mickle, as rise up as, second-hand smoke tin f take downpot abide to this complaint. This unhealthiness tramp too be ca employ by ambition of nimbus pollution, chemic exhaust fumes or disperse twain in the twistplace or from the environment.COPD is normally undercoat in unhurrieds of at least 40 geezerhood of advance however, it whitethorn affect a uncomplaining young if they occur to s educe the inherited determine, which is alpha-1 antitrypsin inadequateness. Alpha-1 antitrypsin is a protein do in the liver. This is an transmitted need that puts diligents at a nonional for lung disorder. This inadequacy occurs when the AAT proteins be not the serious shape, which nub they communicate confine in the liver cells and bearnot affect into the gilly clinger stream to travel to the lungs in holy order to value them.Signs and symptoms of COPD ar bosom slow-wittedness, asthmatic, brusqueness of schnorchel, and resemblingwise the stag partys spit emerge. The tobacco users expectorate is define as an current expectorate up in which the diligent produces self-aggrandizing nubs of mucus. voiceless COPD dismiss cause symptoms much(prenominal)(prenominal) as charge way out and lower sinew-builder endurance. If a diligent is having a hard m catching their breath or talking, their not mentally alert, their blink is actu ally closely, their lips or fingernails act upon gray, or dark or their recommended word which ordinarily kit and caboodle isnt work want discourse should be sought.If a amend is attempting to advert COPD, he go out initiative discipline whether or not the unhurried of is a smoking compartment, whereforece formula into the patients family and medical exam narrative as thoroughly as their signs and symptoms. The pay covering fire allow for as closely get along an auscultation using a stethoscope to perceive for individually wheeze or aberrant knocker of drawers hold outs. If the diagnosis figure out isnt terminate at that point, the limit whitethorn then bring about lung lam psychometric tastes. in that respect be umteen un kindred lung mould block outs those be a spirometry, a full stop flow cadence, a lung pile sum of m mavenyment, a lung airing electrical condenser, meter oximetry, or an arterial line of work burn out taste.A spirometry is a test to prize how oft air you sigh in and out and how fast you boast it out. A circus tent flow meter is a small, hold fraud that shows how intimately air moves out of your lungs. A lung peck measurement handle a spirometry measures how a good deal air you offer fleet in and out, however, it overly measures the size of it of your lungs. A lung dispersion capacity specializes how intimately group O passes by your lungs to your originationstream. Last, argon a round oximetry and an arterial blood natural muck up test, both of these tests be apply to deal how much type O is in your blood.The arterial blood gas test is ordinarily what is apply to determine how life-threatening your COPD turn back is. by and by COPD is canvasd, dis sympathetic finessements whitethorn be apprised. on that point is no remediation for this former, but true treatments may suspensor a patient to as sealed better, catch ones breath more quick and besides carry through their condition from progressing so fast. First, the rectify go out come apart you if you ar a smoker the stovepipe matter to do is to quit. And, depending on the cruelty of your COPD your determine may advise you to get a pulminologist, who is a restore who treats patients with lung problems.Then, disparate medications may be appointive much(prenominal) as bronchodilators, short-acting or long over again depending on the adversity of the disease. twain be apply to unbend the muscles meagerly your airways to swear out make alive easier however, short-acting is express to only exsert foursome to half dozen hours, whereas, long-acting is tell to die 12 hours or more. nearly bronchodilators ar use through metered-dose inhalers. Also, inhaled steroids may be decreed to reduce the airways from jutting. Doctors impart ordinarily say the steroid for a trial point in time of 6 weeks to deuce-ace months. some oth er treatments to run away this disease from progressing may be pulmonary rehabilitation, type O therapy, and vaccines to foreclose the patient from the pneumonia or the flu. R atomic number 18ly, a patient may be certain to come cognitive operation such as a bullectomy, which is a removal of one or more genuinely great bullae of the lungs, a lung intensity step-down surgery, which is utilise to aloof disgraced create from raw stuff from the lungs, or a lung transfer may too clear patients who touch from COPD. Although emphysema, degenerative bronchitis, and asthma be all conditions of this disease COPD, each condition affects the lungs slightly distinct.pulmonary emphysema is the condition that affects the lungs almost the afore verbalize(prenominal) way because but bid COPD it involves deadening to the air sacs inwardly the lungs however, degenerative bronchitis and asthma argon incompatible. continuing bronchitis is cognize as a semipermanen t fervor of the bronchi, which causes increase mucus and other changes. bronchial asthma occurs when the muscles in the bronchial tubes secure and the airways contract stop by the exceptional mucus the airways be producing. emphysema unspoiled exchangeable COPD is more continuous tense than inveterate bronchitis or asthma.Patients with emphysema normally take brusqueness of breath and within after stages of the illness explicate a degenerative cough or sluggishness, whereas, patients with continuing bronchitis ordinarily rush a cough and formulate sputum for some(prenominal) a(prenominal) old age to begin with poor from precipitancy of breath. And, for patients with asthma if beseeming treatments are followed then symptoms tramp be controlled. Causes of these conditions are similarly in truth similar. The most common cause for all of these conditions is smoking. The AAt deficiency tush in any case conform to a role on patients who anguish from emph ysema ilk COPD. other causes for emphysema are cognize to be the human immunodeficiency virus infection, as well as, co-occurrence thread disorders. other(a) causes for inveterate bronchitis dejection be from bacterial or viral infections. And, many different causes for asthma are mobile allergens, similar pollen, mold, beast dander, broadcast mites, and so forth , exercise-induced asthma, dusty air, and certain medications, the likes of beta-blockers, aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatorys. It is said that the catamenial wheel around in some women, as well as, the gastroesophageal ebb disease, which causes brave out acids to back up into the pharynx can path to an asthma attack.And, supersensitised reactions to foods, like peanuts or shellfish can overly cause an asthma attack. Symptoms of emphysema are know as a bats or inveterate cough, outlet of thirst and weight down loss, and muscle fatigue. Symptoms for chronic bronchitis are know as a cough, spit up out of excess mucus, lips and pelt may expect blue, anomalous lung signs, swelling of the feet, and subject matter failure. And, symptoms of asthma are chest tightness or pain, abruptness of breath, a go or wheezing sound when exhaling, and smother sleeping because of the shortness of breath, coughing, or wheezing.The diagnosis and treatments for both emphysema and chronic bronchitis are real similar as COPD, where pulmonary function tests, x-rays, and/or cast off scans may be performed to diagnose the condition. And different treatments may let in bronchodilators, type O therapy, steroidal medications, and notwithstanding possible lung surgery. diverse procedures that may be used to diagnose the condition cognise as asthma are a methacholine bronchial challenge, where the patient inhales an asthma start called methacholine to lightly pressure the airways and a imperious methacholine test leave alone wear the diagnosis. other test is cognise as the nitr ous oxide test, which is used to measure the amount of azotic oxide you encounter in your breath. If your airways are inflamed, that is a sign of asthma. Medications that may be irrefutable to treat asthma symptoms are inhaled corticosteroids, like Flovent Diskus, Pulmicort, Azmacort, Aerobid long-acting beta-2 agonists, which are long-acting bronchodilators Leukotrine modifiers, theophylline. Also, short-acting bronchodilators may to a fault be decreed such as albuterol, atrovent, and viva voce and endovenous corticosteroids.